Monday, 18 April 2011

God's Grace

Rainbow sighting in Gothenburg, 11 August 2010

Yesterday was my second service at New Creation Church that I have attended in 2011.  This was also the 2nd one in more than a decade, I believe.

I couldn't fathom what my good friend, BL, told me about how she has learnt and experienced God's grace after attending this church.  I could not understand what is so different about the preaching in this church as compared to the previous churches that I have been.

However, after going thro the Orlando trip and the recent spat that I had with my sister in which we both hurled pretty hurting remarks at each other, I realized that the reason why I couldn't do what I set out to do was because I was trying to do things on my own strength.  I could not accept the truth about God's grace and His unmerited favour.  I felt that such a message is telling people to continue to go about in their sinful ways and mindset because God's grace and favour will bless them in spite and despite of who they are and what they did.

Hence I was still very much on this "performance-centered" approach towards maintaining my relationships with people and family; perhaps even in my relationship with God.  I could not "proclaim" God's blessings and healing like what Pastor Joseph Prince said.

However, from yesterday's sermon and the message from the key scripture verses (Hebrews 12:14-29), I realised that by insisting on a judgemental and performance-centric approach to life and relationships and trying hard to be effective via my own efforts and strength, I have fallen from the grace of God and consequently, allowed the seeds of bitterness and resentment to take root in my heart and soul.  This has no doubt resulted in the consequent sense of estrangement I had both with family, friends and even colleagues.

Pastor Prince said that in order to pursue peace and holiness, we have to be in God's grace and love

"Holiness is the Fruit while God's Grace is the Root

I have to learn to claim God's grace in my life and then let His love transform me.  I very much would want to claim His grace and love on my family - especially for my sister and her children and husband...the healing between her firstborn and her husband; the trust and love of the mother as experienced and appreciated by the firstborn; God's protection on the firstborn; God's continued favour and blessings on her second autistic son and God-given success and good health for the youngest.

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