Wednesday 23 February 2011

Rest, Refresh & Refuel

That's the online dictionary meaning of Pit Stop.  And this is what the 6-month break from work will mean for me. 

  • No more need to rush out monthly reports
  • Forget about vetting papers and papers
  • No more backlog of emails to read and act on
  • Stilling of the mind & listening to the body
  • Renewing myself spiritually.  
  • Reacquaint myself with God's unmerited grace and favor. 
  • Repainting my flat as well as my sister's flat
  • Guiding my niece in her studies - being with her and exciting her about learning
  • Travelling- have fun and play in Disneyland, Orlando
  • Picking up photography
  • Learn to bake
  • Going on nature walks and do brisk-walking
  • Explore Singapore
  • Read and perhaps write

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